
Cympal posted on angela18's wall:

hello Angela 18. I am new here and decided to check your profile. I myself have just got home from work and decided to give this a shot. Saw your pic, thought you was pretty, but read and saw we share some interest. I love cooking, baking, the outdoors, and gardening. Sadly I am off key and can't sing a lick.. Smile

Cympal posted on aawchoo's wall:

wonder why my other photo was not approved.. must have been my red shirt?

Cympal posted on aawchoo's wall:

seriously guys.. hi and hey cutie? put some effort into talking to these ladies. They get bombed with two word hits all the time, so take a little time, stand out and you will go far. Heck they may even reply..

Cympal added a picture to the album me:
Cympal posted on arisabathory's wall:

any luck so far? new to the site and seeing whats out here

Cympal posted on charlotte124's wall:

6'5.. wow you are pretty tall.

Cympal posted on Angel520520's wall:

there are mountains around Beijing? noticed your profile out of a very long list. you stuck out to me